Monday 25 July 2016

Save Money On Car Repairs: Best Ways To Save Money On Car Repairs

One way to find out pricing on car repairs is by doing a lookup in the neighborhood. Somewhere between the lowball and high numbers, this will be your more accurate price. Do this for every repair job. That way you know what is going on. This will also prevent you from being taken advantage of. Shops will do this to customers, especially those who don't know the real numbers. Always stay ahead of the game with car repairs.

It's best to keep tabs on duplicate charges. Sometimes mechanics will suggest fixing something, while they are looking at fixing something else. Look into this carefully. If the part will need to be replaced anyway, negotiate a lower charge. Some shops will work with you on this, others will not. Always ask questions.

Never ignore the warning signs. If your check engine light goes on, have it looked at within a few days. If it's something simple, it will go out. If it's not, you might something more serious wrong with the car. Look at the gas cap. Is it on right? Sometimes that triggers it. It's best to air on the side of caution.

Do some of these jobs yourself. I know what you are thinking. I don't know how. Many of these jobs are easy, once you know what you are doing. Changing your oil is simple, once you know how. Changing your wiper blades is simple too. You can teach yourself how to do these simple things. This alone will save you money.

Find a discount shop which deals in dings and dents. Dealerships and other shops tend to charge more. It might look nice, but they will still charge you more. Taking it ta ding shop will preserve the value of the car. 

Last idea is to use software like Total OBD & ECU Auto Diagnostics (TOAD) and hook it up to car and immediate see it's true health performance.

1 comment:

  1. These are some great tips for saving money on car repairs. I definitely agree that it's best to never ignore warning signs your car may be giving you. It's much better to fix a problem early one, instead of letting it get worse and worse.


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